Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, I thought no one ever read this blog, but apparently I was I was just nominated for having such a 'brillante' blog, by White Kitchen, who, I think, has an excellent blog (and excellent taste in blogs!) as well. Now it's my turn to nominate seven blogs. Here are my nominations:

1. My Vintage Kitchen - It's the watermelon pickles. Never heard of them, I find them fascinating.

2. A Year of Crockpotting - I love my crockpot! This site (c)rocks!!!

3. I think I have a recipe for that... - an Australian blog I stumbled upon. I just like seeing what they eat over there. Because I've never been there. And I'd like to go. And I'd like to know what I can expect to eat, if I ever DO get there.

4. What Recipe? - A blogger after my own heart, with a nice organized spice cabinet. Note to the DH: See, I'm no freak just because I organize my spices alphabetically! I'm sure he could come up with many other reasons why I'm freak, though...

5. Beck's Recipes - Everything I've seen on her blog sounds so good.

6. Dinner on a Dime - With the price of everything rising these days, it's good to have some economical, but GOOD, recipes on hand.
7. Crista's Kitchen Creations - Because of the peach enchiladas. I mean, YUM.

Congrats, winners! Here are the rules:
1. Post the award logo on your page.
2. Link back to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate seven other blogs, and add links to their blogs.
4. Make sure your nominees know they’ve won!

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